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# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
# Copyright 2021-2023 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Definitions and helpers to handle parts."""

import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, root_validator, validator

from craft_parts import errors, plugins
from craft_parts.dirs import ProjectDirs
from craft_parts.features import Features
from craft_parts.packages import platform
from craft_parts.permissions import Permissions
from import PluginProperties
from craft_parts.steps import Step
from craft_parts.utils.formatting_utils import humanize_list

[docs]class PartSpec(BaseModel): """The part specification data.""" plugin: Optional[str] = None source: Optional[str] = None source_checksum: str = "" source_branch: str = "" source_commit: str = "" source_depth: int = 0 source_subdir: str = "" source_submodules: Optional[List[str]] = None source_tag: str = "" source_type: str = "" disable_parallel: bool = False after: List[str] = [] overlay_packages: List[str] = [] stage_snaps: List[str] = [] stage_packages: List[str] = [] build_snaps: List[str] = [] build_packages: List[str] = [] build_environment: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] build_attributes: List[str] = [] organize_files: Dict[str, str] = Field({}, alias="organize") overlay_files: List[str] = Field(["*"], alias="overlay") stage_files: List[str] = Field(["*"], alias="stage") prime_files: List[str] = Field(["*"], alias="prime") override_pull: Optional[str] = None overlay_script: Optional[str] = None override_build: Optional[str] = None override_stage: Optional[str] = None override_prime: Optional[str] = None permissions: List[Permissions] = []
[docs] class Config: """Pydantic model configuration.""" validate_assignment = True extra = "forbid" allow_mutation = False alias_generator = lambda s: s.replace("_", "-") # noqa: E731
# pylint: disable=no-self-argument
[docs] @validator("stage_files", "prime_files", each_item=True) def validate_relative_path_list(cls, item: str) -> str: """Verify list is not empty and does not contain any absolute paths.""" assert item != "", "path cannot be empty" assert ( item[0] != "/" ), f"{item!r} must be a relative path (cannot start with '/')" return item
[docs] @validator("overlay_packages", "overlay_files", "overlay_script") def validate_overlay_feature(cls, item: Any) -> Any: """Check if overlay attributes specified when feature is disabled.""" assert Features().enable_overlay, "overlays not supported" return item
[docs] @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_root(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Check if the part spec has a valid configuration of packages and slices.""" if not platform.is_deb_based(): # This check is only relevant in deb systems. return values def is_slice(name: str) -> bool: return "_" in name # Detect a mixture of .deb packages and chisel slices. stage_packages = values.get("stage-packages", []) has_slices = any(name for name in stage_packages if is_slice(name)) has_packages = any(name for name in stage_packages if not is_slice(name)) assert not ( has_slices and has_packages ), "Cannot mix packages and slices in stage-packages" return values
# pylint: enable=no-self-argument
[docs] @classmethod def unmarshal(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "PartSpec": """Create and populate a new ``PartSpec`` object from dictionary data. The unmarshal method validates entries in the input dictionary, populating the corresponding fields in the data object. :param data: The dictionary data to unmarshal. :return: The newly created object. :raise TypeError: If data is not a dictionary. """ if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError("part data is not a dictionary") spec = PartSpec(**data) return spec
[docs] def marshal(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Create a dictionary containing the part specification data. :return: The newly created dictionary. """ return self.dict(by_alias=True)
[docs] def get_scriptlet(self, step: Step) -> Optional[str]: """Return the scriptlet contents, if any, for the given step. :param step: the step corresponding to the scriptlet to be retrieved. :return: The scriptlet for the given step, if any. """ if step == Step.PULL: return self.override_pull if step == Step.OVERLAY: return self.overlay_script if step == Step.BUILD: return self.override_build if step == Step.STAGE: return self.override_stage if step == step.PRIME: return self.override_prime raise RuntimeError(f"cannot get scriptlet for invalid step {step!r}")
@property def has_overlay(self) -> bool: """Return whether this spec declares overlay content.""" return bool( self.overlay_packages or self.overlay_script is not None or self.overlay_files != ["*"] )
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class Part: """Each of the components used in the project specification. During the craft-parts lifecycle each part is processed through different steps in order to obtain its final artifacts. The Part class holds the part specification data and additional configuration information used during step processing. :param name: The part name. :param data: A dictionary containing the part properties. :param partitions: A Sequence of partition names if partitions are enabled, or None :param project_dirs: The project work directories. :param plugin_properties: An optional PluginProperties object for this plugin. :raise PartSpecificationError: If part validation fails. """ def __init__( self, name: str, data: Dict[str, Any], *, project_dirs: Optional[ProjectDirs] = None, plugin_properties: "Optional[PluginProperties]" = None, partitions: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ): self._partitions = partitions if not isinstance(data, dict): raise errors.PartSpecificationError( part_name=name, message="part data is not a dictionary" ) if not project_dirs: project_dirs = ProjectDirs(partitions=partitions) if not plugin_properties: plugin_properties = PluginProperties() plugin_name: str = data.get("plugin", "") = name self.plugin_name = plugin_name self.plugin_properties = plugin_properties self.dirs = project_dirs self._part_dir = project_dirs.parts_dir / name self._part_dir = project_dirs.parts_dir / name try: self.spec = PartSpec.unmarshal(data) except ValidationError as err: raise errors.PartSpecificationError.from_validation_error( part_name=name, error_list=err.errors() ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Part({!r})" @property def parts_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the directory containing work files for each part.""" return self.dirs.parts_dir @property def part_src_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part source code.""" return self._part_dir / "src" @property def part_src_subdir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory in source containing the source subtree (if any).""" if self.spec.source_subdir: return self.part_src_dir / self.spec.source_subdir return self.part_src_dir @property def part_build_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part build tree.""" return self._part_dir / "build" @property def part_build_subdir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory in build containing the source subtree (if any). Parts that have a source subdirectory and do not support out-of-source builds will have a build subdirectory. """ if ( self.plugin_name != "" and self.spec.source_subdir and not plugins.get_plugin_class(self.plugin_name).get_out_of_source_build() ): return self.part_build_dir / self.spec.source_subdir return self.part_build_dir @property def part_base_install_dir(self) -> Path: """The base of the part's install directories. With partitions disabled, this is the install directory. With partitions enabled, this is the directory containing the partitions. A full path to an install location can always be found with: ``part.part_base_install_dir / get_partition_compatible_filepath(location)`` """ return self._part_dir / "install" @property def part_install_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory to install the part build artifacts. With partitions disabled, this is the install directory and is the same as ``part_base_install_dir`` With partitions enabled, this is the install directory for the default partition """ if self._partitions is None: return self.part_base_install_dir return self.part_base_install_dir / "default" @property def part_install_dirs(self) -> Mapping[Optional[str], Path]: """Return a mapping of partition names to install directories. With partitions disabled, the only partition name is ``None`` """ if self._partitions is None: return {None: self.part_base_install_dir} return { partition: self.part_base_install_dir / partition for partition in self._partitions } @property def part_state_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part lifecycle state.""" return self._part_dir / "state" @property def part_cache_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part cache directory.""" return self._part_dir / "cache" @property def part_packages_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part stage packages directory.""" return self._part_dir / "stage_packages" @property def part_snaps_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part snap packages directory.""" return self._part_dir / "stage_snaps" @property def part_run_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part plugin scripts.""" return self._part_dir / "run" @property def part_layer_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the subdirectory containing the part overlay files.""" return self._part_dir / "layer" @property def overlay_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the overlay directory.""" return self.dirs.overlay_dir @property def base_stage_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the base staging area. If partitions are enabled, this is the directory containing those partitions. """ return self.dirs.base_stage_dir @property def stage_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the staging area containing the installed files from all parts. If partitions are enabled, this is the stage directory for the default partition """ return self.dirs.stage_dir @property def stage_dirs(self) -> Mapping[Optional[str], Path]: """A mapping of partition name to partition staging directory. If partitions are disabled, the only key is ``None``. """ return self.dirs.stage_dirs @property def base_prime_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the primed tree containing the artifacts to deploy. If partitions are enabled, this is the directory containing those partitions. """ return self.dirs.base_prime_dir @property def prime_dir(self) -> Path: """Return the primed tree containing the artifacts to deploy. If partitions are enabled, this is the prime directory for the default partition """ return self.dirs.prime_dir @property def prime_dirs(self) -> Mapping[Optional[str], Path]: """A mapping of partition name to partition prime directory. If partitions are disabled, the only key is ``None``. """ return self.dirs.prime_dirs @property def dependencies(self) -> List[str]: """Return the list of parts this part depends on.""" if not self.spec.after: return [] return self.spec.after @property def has_overlay(self) -> bool: """Return whether this part declares overlay content.""" return self.spec.has_overlay
[docs] def check_partition_usage(self, partitions: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Check if partitions are properly used in a part. :param partitions: The list of valid partitions. :returns: A list of invalid uses of partitions in the part. """ error_list: List[str] = [] if not Features().enable_partitions: return error_list for fileset_name, fileset in [ ("overlay", self.spec.overlay_files), # only the destination of organize filepaths use partitions ("organize", self.spec.organize_files.values()), ("stage", self.spec.stage_files), ("prime", self.spec.prime_files), ]: error_list.extend( self._check_partitions_in_filepaths(fileset_name, fileset, partitions) ) return error_list
def _check_partitions_in_filepaths( self, fileset_name: str, fileset: Iterable[str], partitions: List[str] ) -> List[str]: """Check if partitions are properly used in a fileset. If a filepath begins with a parentheses, then the text inside the parentheses must be a valid partition. :param fileset_name: The name of the fileset being checked. :param fileset: The list of filepaths to check. :param partitions: The list of valid partitions. :returns: A list of invalid uses of partitions in the fileset. """ error_list = [] pattern = re.compile("^-?\\((?P<partition>.*?)\\)") for filepath in fileset: match = re.match(pattern, filepath) if match: partition ="partition") if partition not in partitions: error_list.append( f" unknown partition {partition!r} in {filepath!r}" ) if error_list: error_list.insert(0, f" parts.{}.{fileset_name}") return error_list
# pylint: enable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]def part_by_name(name: str, part_list: List[Part]) -> Part: """Obtain the part with the given name from the part list. :param name: The name of the part to return. :param part_list: The list of all known parts. :returns: The part with the given name. """ for part in part_list: if == name: return part raise errors.InvalidPartName(name)
[docs]def part_list_by_name( names: Optional[Sequence[str]], part_list: List[Part] ) -> List[Part]: """Return a list of parts from part_list that are named in names. :param names: The list of part names. If the list is empty or not defined, return all parts from part_list. :param part_list: The list of all known parts. :returns: The list of parts corresponding to the given names. :raises InvalidPartName: if a part name is not defined. """ if names: # check if all part names are valid valid_names = { for p in part_list} for name in names: if name not in valid_names: raise errors.InvalidPartName(name) selected_parts = [p for p in part_list if in names] else: selected_parts = part_list return selected_parts
[docs]def sort_parts(part_list: List[Part]) -> List[Part]: """Perform an inefficient but easy to follow sorting of parts. :param part_list: The list of parts to sort. :returns: The sorted list of parts. :raises PartDependencyCycle: if there are circular dependencies. """ sorted_parts = [] # type: List[Part] # We want to process parts in a consistent order between runs. The # simplest way to do this is to sort them by name. all_parts = sorted(part_list, key=lambda part:, reverse=True) while all_parts: top_part = None for part in all_parts: mentioned = False for other in all_parts: if in other.dependencies: mentioned = True break if not mentioned: top_part = part break if not top_part: raise errors.PartDependencyCycle() sorted_parts = [top_part] + sorted_parts all_parts.remove(top_part) return sorted_parts
[docs]def part_dependencies( part: Part, *, part_list: List[Part], recursive: bool = False ) -> Set[Part]: """Return a set of all the parts upon which the named part depends. :param part: The dependent part. :returns: The set of parts the given part depends on. """ dependency_names = set(part.dependencies) dependencies = {p for p in part_list if in dependency_names} if recursive: # No need to worry about infinite recursion due to circular # dependencies since the YAML validation won't allow it. for dependency_name in dependency_names: dep = part_by_name(dependency_name, part_list=part_list) dependencies |= part_dependencies( dep, part_list=part_list, recursive=recursive ) return dependencies
[docs]def has_overlay_visibility( part: Part, *, part_list: List[Part], viewers: Optional[Set[Part]] = None ) -> bool: """Check if a part can see the overlay filesystem. A part that declares overlay parameters and all parts depending on it are granted permission to see overlay filesystem. :param part: The part whose overlay visibility will be checked. :param viewers: Parts that are known to have overlay visibility. :param part_list: A list of all parts in the project. :return: Whether the part has overlay visibility. """ if (viewers and part in viewers) or part.has_overlay: return True if not part.spec.after: return False deps = part_dependencies(part, part_list=part_list) for dep in deps: if has_overlay_visibility(dep, viewers=viewers, part_list=part_list): return True return False
[docs]def get_parts_with_overlay(*, part_list: List[Part]) -> List[Part]: """Obtain a list of parts that declare overlay parameters. :param part_list: A list of all parts in the project. :return: A list of parts with overlay parameters. """ return [p for p in part_list if p.has_overlay]
[docs]def validate_part(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Validate the given part data against common and plugin models. :param data: The part data to validate. """ _get_part_spec(data)
[docs]def validate_partition_usage(part_list: List[Part], partitions: List[str]) -> None: """Validate usage of partitions in a list of parts. For each part, the use of partitions in filepaths in overlay, stage, prime, and organize keywords are validated. :param part_list: The list of parts to validate. :param partitions: The list of valid partitions. :raises ValueError: If partitions are not used properly in the list of parts. """ if not Features().enable_partitions: return error_list = [] for part in part_list: error_list.extend(part.check_partition_usage(partitions)) if error_list: raise errors.FeatureError( "Error: Invalid usage of partitions:\n" + "\n".join(error_list) + f"\nValid partitions are {humanize_list(partitions, 'and')}." )
[docs]def part_has_overlay(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Whether the part described by ``data`` employs the Overlay step. :param data: The part data to query for overlay use. """ spec = _get_part_spec(data) return spec.has_overlay
def _get_part_spec(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> PartSpec: if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError("value must be a dictionary") # copy the original data, we'll modify it spec = data.copy() plugin_name = spec.get("plugin") if not plugin_name: raise ValueError("'plugin' not defined") plugin_class = plugins.get_plugin_class(plugin_name) # validate plugin properties plugin_class.properties_class.unmarshal(spec) # validate common part properties part_spec = plugins.extract_part_properties(spec, plugin_name=plugin_name) return PartSpec(**part_spec)