Source code for craft_parts.packages.errors

# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*-
# Copyright 2015-2021 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Exceptions raised by the packages handling subsystem."""

from typing import List, Sequence

from craft_parts.errors import PartsError
from craft_parts.utils import formatting_utils

[docs]class PackagesError(PartsError): """Base class for package handler errors."""
[docs]class PackageBackendNotSupported(PartsError): """Requested package resolved not supported on this host.""" def __init__(self, backend: str) -> None: self.backend = backend super().__init__( brief=f"Package backend {backend!r} is not supported on this environment.", )
[docs]class PackageNotFound(PackagesError): """Requested package doesn't exist in the remote repository. :param package_name: The name of the missing package. """ def __init__(self, package_name: str): self.package_name = package_name brief = f"Package not found: {package_name}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class PackagesNotFound(PackagesError): """Requested package doesn't exist in the remote repository. :param package_name: The names of the missing packages. """ def __init__(self, packages: Sequence[str]): self.packages = packages missing_pkgs = formatting_utils.humanize_list(packages, "and") brief = f"Failed to find installation candidate for packages: {missing_pkgs}." resolution = ( "Make sure the repository configuration and package names are correct." ) super().__init__(brief=brief, resolution=resolution)
[docs]class PackageFetchError(PackagesError): """Failed to fetch package from remote repository. :param message: The error message. """ def __init__(self, message: str): self.message = message brief = f"Failed to fetch package: {message}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class PackageListRefreshError(PackagesError): """Failed to refresh the list of available packages. :param message: The error message. """ def __init__(self, message: str): self.message = message brief = f"Failed to refresh package list: {message}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class PackageBroken(PackagesError): """Package has unmet dependencies. :param package_name: The name of the package with unmet dependencies. :param deps: The list of unmet dependencies. """ def __init__(self, package_name: str, *, deps: Sequence[str]): self.package_name = package_name self.deps = deps brief = f"Package {package_name!r} has unmet dependencies: {', '.join(deps)}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class FileProviderNotFound(PackagesError): """A file is not provided by any package. :param file_path: The file path. """ def __init__(self, *, file_path: str): self.file_path = file_path brief = f"{file_path} is not provided by any package." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class BuildPackageNotFound(PackagesError): """A package listed in 'build-packages' was not found. :param package: The name of the missing package. """ def __init__(self, package: str): self.package = package brief = f"Cannot find package listed in 'build-packages': {package}" super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class BuildPackagesNotInstalled(PackagesError): """Could not install all requested build packages. :param packages: The packages to install. """ def __init__(self, *, packages: Sequence[str]) -> None: self.packages = packages brief = f"Cannot install all requested build packages: {', '.join(packages)}" super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class PackagesDownloadError(PackagesError): """Failed to download packages from remote repository. :param packages: The packages to download. """ def __init__(self, *, packages: Sequence[str]) -> None: self.packages = packages brief = f"Failed to download all requested packages: {', '.join(packages)}" resolution = ( "Make sure the network configuration and package names are correct." ) super().__init__(brief=brief, resolution=resolution)
[docs]class UnpackError(PackagesError): """Error unpacking stage package. :param package: The package that failed to unpack. """ def __init__(self, package: str): self.package = package brief = f"Error unpacking {package!r}" super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class SnapUnavailable(PackagesError): """Failed to install or refresh a snap. :param snap_name: The snap name. :param snap_channel: The snap channel. """ def __init__(self, *, snap_name: str, snap_channel: str): self.snap_name = snap_name self.snap_channel = snap_channel brief = f"Failed to install or refresh snap {snap_name!r}." details = ( f"{snap_name!r} does not exist or is not available on channel " f"{snap_channel!r}." ) resolution = ( f"Use `snap info {snap_name}` to get a list of channels the snap " "is available on." ) super().__init__(brief=brief, details=details, resolution=resolution)
[docs]class SnapInstallError(PackagesError): """Failed to install a snap. :param snap_name: The snap name. :param snap_channel: The snap channel. """ def __init__(self, *, snap_name: str, snap_channel: str): self.snap_name = snap_name self.snap_channel = snap_channel brief = f"Error installing snap {snap_name!r} from channel {snap_channel!r}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class SnapDownloadError(PackagesError): """Failed to download a snap. :param snap_name: The snap name. :param snap_channel: The snap channel. """ def __init__(self, *, snap_name: str, snap_channel: str): self.snap_name = snap_name self.snap_channel = snap_channel brief = f"Error downloading snap {snap_name!r} from channel {snap_channel!r}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class SnapRefreshError(PackagesError): """Failed to refresh a snap. :param snap_name: The snap name. :param snap_channel: The snap channel. """ def __init__(self, *, snap_name: str, snap_channel: str): self.snap_name = snap_name self.snap_channel = snap_channel brief = f"Error refreshing snap {snap_name!r} to channel {snap_channel!r}." super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class SnapGetAssertionError(PackagesError): """Failed to retrieve snap assertion. :param assertion_params: The snap assertion parameters. """ def __init__(self, *, assertion_params: Sequence[str]) -> None: self.assertion_params = assertion_params brief = f"Error retrieving assertion with parameters {assertion_params!r}" resolution = "Verify the assertion exists and try again." super().__init__(brief=brief, resolution=resolution)
[docs]class SnapdConnectionError(PackagesError): """Failed to connect to snapd. :param snap_name: The snap name. :param url: The failed connection URL. """ def __init__(self, *, snap_name: str, url: str) -> None: self.snap_name = snap_name self.url = url brief = ( f"Failed to get information for snap {snap_name!r}: could not connect " f"to {url!r}." ) super().__init__(brief=brief)
[docs]class ChiselError(PackagesError): """A "chisel"-related command failed.""" def __init__(self, *, slices: List[str], output: str): """Create a ChiselError from a list of slices and the command output. :param slices: The Chisel slices that were requested. :param output: The output of the Chisel command. """ brief = f"Failed to cut requested chisel slices: {', '.join(slices)}" details = None for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith(":: error:"): details = line break super().__init__(brief=brief, details=details)